Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion


I found out last week that I have passed my doctoral exams and am now "ABD"

Hope all is well.

p.s. I spoke with Blaine a couple of days ago and he is doing wonderfully!


ejcolen said...


In fellow shameless promotion, I will not list my upcoming publications, but direct you to where there is a list on the left-hand column.

My poetry manuscript _Money for Sunsets_ has been shortlisted four times, yet still not published. The novel is out there too, but people are not biting on this 500-page masterpiece. Looks like another round of revision is in order...

Tell Blaine to post something. I think we'd all like to hear what he's been up to. In thinking about Blaine, I think we should have had a category "Person Best Able to Grow a Beard" on our superlatives. Because I've never seen a better one.

ejcolen said...

Oh, and post something about your dis? I'd love to hear what you're cooking up.

KPJ said...

The title of my dissertation is
Palimpsest: A Counterhistory of Process

When my proposal gets accepted, I will send it along.

But! If you would like to read some of my recent work, here is the URL to a book review that just got published:

I will let Blaine know, though I think he reads this blog so you might slander him and see if he reacts:)

I concur with the superlative beard award.

JJisafool said...

Congrats, Kyle!

But, palimpsest? The favorite word of graduate poets? I forever associate that word with that three-named Rob poet guy at WWU that was in his second year when I went back to finish up.

Of course, your use of it will be brilliant. I'm just being catty because I'm wickedly jealous. Been a dried-up former writer for at least the last six months.

I am jealous of Blaine's beard, too. Though I imagine it becomes less a manner of choice than necessity. That brother gets 1'o'clock shadow.

KPJ said...


If/When I publish the manuscript, I will make sure to give you credit in the acknowledgments for reminding me that palimpsest has that association.
Of course, you are already there so it will really just be an addition.

In my work, the word "palimpsest" has a dual rhetorical function. My final chapter draws on textual theory, specifically genetic criticism, that focuses on the drafting material of literary authors. Hence, palimpsest to identify how these texts get written over, but leave visible traces.

In addition, the idea of offering a counterhistory in my field is a provocative enough task, so telling the field that I will not be erasing or devaluing prior traces of process serves me well.

Gotta go teach! Hope you are well.

lynda said...

KYLE!! Congratulations dude! I'm so stinkin proud of you! YAY KYLE!!!!

and in shameless not-self promotion: let it be noted that the dear and exceptional Deb Poe is now Dr. Deb Poe. (I noticed this fact on facebook. why do you not all have facebook pages?)

I started a poem today, but as many of my poems tend to do, it turned into a list. Though I suppose a list doesn't preclude its status as poem. Does it?

And Blaine! Speak up and be heard, man! It is silly that we are hearing about you via Kyle.

Kyle. Finish that Dis so that I can refer to you as my little brother Dr. Kyle. Ha!!

KPJ said...

Thanks, Lynda.

For now, you can refer to me as your lil-bro All But Dead Kyle.

lynda said...

Rose asked me what ABD was; silly me: I told her it stood for all but dis! :)