Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Road to Whatever: Middle-Class Culture and the Crisis of Adolescence

Have any of you read this book? I saw it in the UW bookstore recently, but didn't want to shell out the $26 to own it. It seems intriguing and after a couple of years with a teenager in my home I'm really curious to see if this guy's argument is compelling...anyone? anyone? If it is a worthy read, it seems like it would be a worthy read for teachers there hope that you can reach the disengaged kid in the corner with the hood of his/her hoody up?


JJisafool said...

I hate adolescents. I really do. I hated them when I was one. The girls are shrill and unbalanced, the boys some kind of bovine-simian hybrid. Yuk - not looking forward to that stage.

Anyway.... just put that book in my library queue. Have I ever told y'all how much I love Seattle library? I've got a list of over 50 titles I'm waiting for at any given time, and I get an email when they arrive at my local branch all of a block away from our apartment. I hardly ever go into the stacks anymore, just draw online from the entire system, including King County. Awesome. Screw NetFlix, I get all my movies free. Music, too, so suckit iTunes.

lynda said...

Master Jim, you must teach me the ways of the City! :)

~adds: get library card to To Do list~