Sunday, October 21, 2007

Musicophilia; Tales of Music and The Brain

As we cupped our cold fingers around 20 oz containers of decaf and wished we'd thought to bring hats, I strained to see Rose and John in the ever growing line of people waiting over an hour in the wind and rain to hear Oliver Sacks read from his new book at the Seattle Central Library. He read to a greater-than-capacity crowd. He is as charming as you've imagined (if you've imagined what he'd be like in person).

You must all put his latest book on your reading lists. It's a nice mental shift (for me at least) to consider a passion from a neurological perspective. It's also fascinating to see the spectrum of just how far wrong our brains can go when it comes to something as intrigal to the human experience as music.

I'm only on page 66, but so far the book is typical Sacks: charming, kind, gracious and unendingly interesting. I'd offer to send you my copy when I finish, but my mom has already called "dibs". :)

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