Monday, October 15, 2007

Curry & Conversation

Hello from Seattle!

I had the lovely opportunity to have dinner with Jessica, Don, Christine, Rose and John last evening. We talked about Inter-something-something currency (Don: that's my Homer Simpson immitation of a grad school fake. Whatcha think?), Oliver Sacks (who is reading here this Friday), work, vacations, whether or not we have permission to stop reading a book when we aren't enjoying it :) and shared stories from our lives.

I'm pleased to share with you that Don and Christine are both vibrant and delightful; full of stories of the pleasures and weirdnesses of attending the UW, Rose and John are as wonderful as ever (Rose looks particularly great these days) and Jessica is her charming, graceful self and seemed peaceful (she's the one on vacation).

We had fun remembering stories from school and it was both encouraging (in terms of validating what a great group we are) and discouraging (in terms of ever wanting to go back for my PhD) to hear Don's stories about the degree of community with his peers at the U.

We forgot to bring a camera; so no picture, sorry. Next time, I promise to take mine.



JJisafool said...

Sorry I missed you guys that night. The week before an Opening Night is always a little extra crazy for me. Next time.

lynda said...

We need to have an autumn party and have Elizabeth with us too!