Monday, October 1, 2007

Jan adds to it too

You all have tapped into something that I groan about every time I
inadvertantly catch a commercial while grading my endless stack of papers.
I have found that I am fighting a middle-aged crisis early enough -
what with all the deaths in my family while at WWU and seeing the gray in
my hair and my newfound wrinkles flowing from the corners of my eyes.
To me, its simply a depressing reminder that everything I cherished once
upon a time is now the background noise to a f***ing commercial. To
me, it's as akin to being sinful as possible to desecrate decades of
things I used to get stoned to, simply to sell a friggin' pickup truck.

I graduated high school in 1980, so I have the most room to rant! Even
more depressing, I showed The U.S. vs John Lennon to a freshman class
at Campbell University last week and half of them not only did not know
who the man was, but when the shots fired out at the end of the film,
most of them jumped out of their seats. They had no idea he had been
gunned down and taken from us so early.

But, alas, I got them thinking.....

miss you guys and gals!

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