Saturday, October 20, 2007

Greetings from the new home of Cryptococcus gattii, the deadly tropical fungus just in from BC

I'm sure you'll all be jealous to know, I've just gone to (and procured 10 pounds of honeycrisp apples from) the Bellingham Farmer's Market. This time of year it's a little more scant than summer's fare, but still worth the walk for fresh vegetables and good bread (and a balloon animal from the weird clown dude, if you're into that kind of thing). I'm certain I saw more dreadlocks today than most of you have seen in months.

But, to be brief, I wanted to let you all know of a few places online my work has featured...

This week the new Front Porch Journal is out at - I'm under Fiction, but it's all good stuff (regrettably, I'm the only one featured on the website that currently does not have a book, but I'm hoping to change this soon). Oh, and C and I submitted and were accepted entirely without the other's knowledge (or FPJ's knowledge of our coupledom). This, our first time in print together. Hoorah. Hopefully not the last.

Also, check me out at - I'm under September's selections, but it's probably still on the main page as well. And on 3:AM Magazine online. I think that was in September too:

If I mention the print stuff you probably won't go out and buy it anyway, so...


lynda said...

o, come on, tell us about the print stuff too. We might surprise you!

lynda said...

I just read _The Girl_ and loved it. I really like the remembering and remembering someone else's remembering. It feels like a huge, intricate, blown glass sculpture. oxo, L