Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Inheritance of Loss- recommended by Kyle

Kyle, thanks for recommending The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai. I very much enjoyed it. The language was luscious, and I found the politics of the place interesting. I read much of it during my commute and today. I spent most of my Saturday reading--it was wonderful!
Speaking of politics, there's an essay by Mark Danner in the 2007 best essays called Iraq: The War of the Imagination which outlines the steps that led us into Iraq. It doesn't offer a solution or a suggest a solution (which was a disappointment), but I thought it was the most useful piece I've read on a what has been a confusing issue for me.
My next book in line is The Zoo Keeper's Wife by Diane Ackerman. I plan to read it on my plane ride to Denver. I have a work thing there this week. I am SO much looking forward to seeing Anne and my sister while I am there. And I very much like Denver.

And sadly, I missed Oliver Sacks visit to Seattle on Friday (I had a work event) and I missed Ann Patchett too b/c she read during the day, and I was at work then too. But I am anxious to get my hands on a copy of her new book, Run. I have seen Lynda, Jessica, Don, and Jim all quite recently- so count me the luckiest one of all! Aren't some of the rest of you overdue for a Seattle trip. It's raining....


lynda said...

I've posted a picture from in front of our apt. after Friday's Thunderstorm. :)

KPJ said...

I am glad that you liked the book Rose:)

daniyleric said...

Hello Ms. Rose Meitzen I stubled across your blog entry and can now not find it, but you referenced that you had been published in,, and I was wondering if you were Elizabeth J. Colen and if these were your entries
anyway I hope to hear from you soon Ms. Rose Meitzen
Thanks Dan.