Friday, August 24, 2007

From Jessica

Hi all,

So good to hear from Lynda and Kyle! I've been really busy this summer and I'm not even sure with what. I just know that I feel pulled here and there and everywhere all at the same time. Lynda knows this well as she sent me an email about a month ago that I have yet to reply to. Sorry, Lynda. I promise to renew my efforts at keeping in touch.

Paul and I bought a house that we moved into at the end of March. We weren't really planning to buy a house until this fall but the perfect one came along and so we snatched it up. We're now in the midst of home improvements. The to-do list is a mile long and every homeowner I meet tells me I may as well give up because the list will never get any shorter. I refuse to believe it! Someday the house will magically be transformed into exactly what we want and we'll be able to use a weekend for actual relaxation instead of trips to the Home Depot. Right?

I'm still enjoying work. I really do think I work in an ideal place. I write all the time, I get to use my brain and I'm surrounded by thoughtful, sharp people who always have something interesting going on in their lives. It's been fairly hectic lately because I took on some additional responsibilities when a co-worker left the company. I'm doing my best to get that under control and not work too much.

Paul and I adopted a little kitten from the Humane Society. He was only 2 months old and 2 pounds when we got him. Oh my word. So cute. I've always been a dog person, never owned a cat. So it's taking some getting used to. I find that I'm a little too worried about him because I'm just not used to a pet that's so independent and self-sufficient.

I miss you all and can't wait to hear from more of you.


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