Friday, August 24, 2007

From Kate

howdy all,

i'd claim to have been sent to jail, but y'all might actually believe me, so i'll (try) to tell the truth.

i'm finishing my MFA at Virginia Commonwealth U. in poetry and have been working as associate editor of Blackbird, an online journal of literature and the art. it's been madness, but i've gotten to know a lot of cool writers. i have a hard time maintaining my own filing system, so it was an organizational challenge i appear to have surmounted. this fall i teach honors poetry and fiction while working on my poetry thesis. (i'm done with coursework--(hooray Kyle) no book out yet, but some

my main man matt and i plan to move west in december, when we both graduate--(he's in nursing school, and loves sticking needles and tubes in folks). Flagstaff AZ and Bend OR are most likely.i am so NOT an east coast academy type.

the highlights of my summer were seeing Arlo Guthrie play in a small mennonite community in the mountains, getting naked with elizabeth at the nude beach at b'ham, and taking two city girls camping (they insisted on holding my hands in the tent, making me wish i was a mommy).

great to hear everyone is still gettin' it done. congrats on new homes (Jessica and Kyle), new jobs, marriages (Elizabeth), and happy kids (Jim).

Stay in touch!

L, Kate

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